It’s the story that matters:
Digital marketing: documenting the experience.
I don’t know about you but I’ve come across a lot of people who say “business is boring”. I think that’s the struggle with marketing – businesses often feel like they’re not interesting to their target audience.
They are.
When I started writing news in 2013 it was the stories of people’s experiences that interested me the most. At that time I wasn’t taking photos professionally but I had seen how stories could be told through images and video.
Fast forward over 10 years and I can say it’s true for many in business too.
Your prospective customers want to know about the experience of your service or your product. They want to know what makes yours unique. You just have to show them.
For businesses, this means storytelling is a crucial part of their strategy. Don’t fall into the trap of listing features and benefits, customers want to feel emotionally connected to the brands they support. This is why storytelling in business has become such a powerful tool – it humanises what might otherwise seem like a cold, impersonal transaction. People connect with stories, and when a business can effectively tell its story, it transforms a simple purchase into an emotional and meaningful experience.
Today filmmaking equiptment is made with shooting vertical in mind – to me that says something. The little thing in our hands has power and as marketers we can use it to our advantage.
Attention is currency, as many have said before.
Whether you pay to be put in front of customers, have great organic traffic through regular, valuable content etc or a combination of both it’s important to think about what people see when they get to your website or social media.
It seems the demand for video content is set it continue upwards. Consumers crave authenticity, and video is one of the most direct ways to deliver it. With the right approach, a business can take what might seem like a mundane product or service and transform it into something meaningful and engaging. The key is to focus on the narrative — what is the story you’re telling, and how does it connect with your audience?
If anything is having a moment – it’s video. And it has been for some time.
What story will you be telling?
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